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Defeating Anti-Semitism Starts Here

The Hub To Change The World 

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The Jewish Response to Anti-Semitism 

The Jewish Response to Anti-Semetism Is the promotion of acts of goodness and kindness to the world and to be light onto the nations lighting up the world one soul at a time 


It has never been clearer that the answer to anti-semitism is to preempt it through education empowerment and action.

Our goal is to give you the tools to change hatred into love and to make the wold a better place.


Chana Light

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Jessica Brown 

I used to feel helpless in the face of rising hate crimes towards the Jewish community. But after utilizing Defeating anti-Semitism's educational materials, I feel empowered to take action and educate others on the dangers of anti-Semitism. Your products are truly life-changing.

Josh Lang

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