

Precious Souls explores the Rebbe’s exemplary outlook on Ahavas Yisroel toward each and every Jew, presenting the beautiful message with which he trained our generation to see the intrinsic good and inherent potential inside each one of us.
The program features thirty minutes of unique film produced by JEM - including sichos, stories, and niggunim, along with thirty minutes of talking and discussion points led by Rabbi Yitzchok Schochet, Shliach and Rabbi at Mill Hill Shul in Edgware, England.
Precious Souls, created with the help of a team of Shluchim, is intended to reach and engage a wider audience, to help Shluchim give their community members an appreciation and understanding of the Rebbe.
This pre-recorded program is approx. 60 minutes.
The pre-recorded program will be offered for a subsidized price of $49, though you are welcome to contribute more to the success of the program.
For question please email: specialprojects@merkos302.com

718-467-4400 ext. 4342