
Shavuos Resources
All the essentials to create a meaningful Matan Torah experience for your community
Selections From Likkutei Sichos
"Therefore, whoever “teaches Torah to another person’s son is considered by Scripture as if he fathered him.” Whenever one studies the Torah with another person, regardless of whom one studies with, one is connecting that other person with the source of his life. That is equivalent to fathering him, i.e., bringing about his birth. At this moment, he is causing G‑d to renew the existence of that other person."
Selections From Likkutei Sichos
This Sichah offers fascinating insight into the differences between both instances where the revelation at Sinai is recounted in Torah, in Parshas Yisro and Mishpatim. The Rebbe sheds light on the nuances in the pesukim through exploring the twofold theme of being given the Torah by Hashem and being receivers of the Torah.
Aseres HaDibros Card
With the Aseres Hadibros and thoughtful explanations printed along with your information, this card is a heartwarming and meaningful way to bring Shavuos to patients or medical professionals.